Play Therapy


Play therapy is a therapeutic approach for children from the ages 4 to 10 years old who suffers from emotional, social and behavioural difficulties. Unlike adults who can express themselves in words, children do it through play. Through role play, dolls, soft toys, painting, clay work, storytelling, they can express their feelings of sadness, anger or fears. By projecting their conflicts onto their play they can connect to their feelings, confront their fears and explore with the therapist solutions or just an outlet in a safe respected space. in the process the child will become empowered and explore different ways to act, behave and feel about a traumatic experience or life changes such as divorce of parents, death of a parent, friend etc. To enhance the benefits collaborative approach with parents and caretakers should be followed.

Children with the following difficulties would benefit from play therapy:

- Trauma
- Bereavement
- Parents divorce
- Excessive fears, Separation anxiety
- Low self esteem
- Bullying
- Social problems